Flows SW into Fraser River, NW of Dunster
53.1667 N 119.9167 W — Map 83E/4 — Google — GeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1913 (Morkill)
Name officially adopted in 1963
Official in BC – Canada
Pre-emptor’s map Tête Jaune 3H 1919 [Holliday (Baker) Cr.]

P. S. Bonney, district forester, and Walter Holliday, ranger, in a home at Mile 53. Ca. 1910
Valemount & Area Museum
Brothers Alfred, Walter [ca. 1884-1986], and Howard Holliday came into the valley around 1909 with the surveyors of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Caught by winter near the creek that bears their name, their boats froze into the Fraser River.
Surveyor Dalby Brooks Morkill [1880–1955] reported in 1912 that at “Holliday Creek (formerly known as Baker Creek) W. Sweeny and W. Holliday had equal success with garden-truck which they put in as an experiment, and a patch of barley. The two later built a water-wheel on the river and during the month of June irrigated their garden.” A map accompanying this report notes for the southwest fractional quarter of District Lot 7196, on the Fraser River just upstream of what was denoted Baker Creek, “Cleared and cultivated, W. Halliday.”
Their field is said to have been the first one plowed in the district.
In 1962 Walter Holliday paid a brief visit to McBride and Dunster to locate the land where he and his brothers lived before the railroad arrived. Walter has seven surviving grandchildren and many great-grandchildren living on the lower mainland. His brother Howard has many surviving relatives in BC. [See comment from Ian Holliday]
- Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. “A. L. Mumm — An Appreciation.” Canadian Alpine Journal, Vol. 16 (1927–1927):173-175
- Robson Valley Courier. Weekly newspaper published by Pyramid Press of Jasper from 1968–88 (1968–1988).
- Morkill, Dalby Brooks [1880–1955]. “Report on Survey on the South Fork of Fraser River from Horse Creek to Beaver River. December 28, 1912.” Report of the Minister of Lands for the Province of British Columbia for the year ending 31st December 1912, (1913):238-240. Google Books
In 1949 I purchased, from the government, S.E. 1/4 Lot 7202 in the vicinity of, but not bordering, Holliday Creek. I always believed that to be the property once owned by the Holliday brothers. At that time I found no evidence of buildings but there was a couple of acres along the south side that had at one time been cleared of tree growth. In reading the official posting of the early agricultural activity of Sweeny and Holliday, I believe that the place they were on was to the south of S.E 1/4 Lot 7202. That ground, in the 1930s and 1940s, was occupied by a bachelor by name of Roberts. He grew quite a large plot of strawberries and people would go out there to “pick your own” and give the old guy some grocery money.
I am the great grandson of Alfred Holliday and have been researching my family history. I am interested in any information that you would be willing to share regarding my family. I have read the Robson Valley story and find it fascinating.
Thank you Sir,
Best regards,
Bruce Holliday
My husband Peter is a grandson of Howard Holliday who returned the UK with his wife and two sons in the 1920s
Sorry, Ruth I’m Walters Grandson and we are missing Howards family tree. We know we have English relatives, but nobody knows who.
Bruce I’m Walter Hollidays grandson. I’m missing you off the family tree. There’s lots of extended family in BC. Are you in BC?
This website is a bit confusing
Bruce I’m Walters grandson. I have lots of information on the family tree but don’t have you on it as my tree limbs come up short here and there.
Hi Ian,
Bruce has passed away this January, I would be one of his niece’s and would be interested in helping out with the family tree you have spots in. Please feel free to reach out to me.
Hello Lloyd,
I just saw your posting here and thought I’d inquire with you as well, regarding any photos you may have, or have seen of the Holliday Creek Arch…I have only the later BC Provincial aerial ones, and they are not terribly kind to the feature. If you have any shots of it, from the ground or at least closer to it, I would be grateful of a look, or even a scanned copy.
Thanks for your time,
Cheers, Judy Banks,
Hello Bruce,
I am also interested in the Holliday Creek area, and am wondering if you’ve come across any old pics of the Holliday Creek Arch. I have some BC Provincial pics, taken from a chopper, but they’re not very revealing. If you have any pics you’d like to share, I’d be honoured if you could send me a scan or two.
Thanks for your time,
Judy Banks,
Barriere, BC.
For Judy Banks:
Hi Judy,
Just noticed your request for photos of the Holliday Creek Arch. I have one showing it from directly underneath, with a couple of people in the photo for scale, if you’d like it. A gazillion other closeups of it as well, along with a few wildflower photos taken within a few feet of the arch.
acarson at vis.bc.ca (replace the word “at” with the at sign & remove the spaces around it to contact me).
Art Carson
Thanks Art!! That would be fantastic! I’ll em you.
Cheers, JudyB.
My great grandfather was Walter Holliday. I am also interested in any information about his homestead. I look forward to visiting the area to discover more about his beginnings in Canada.
With all of the changes being made regarding animal and park preservation, I’d like to hope to preserve his dreams!
Thank you!
Hi All,
I am Alfred Holliday’s great granddaughter. With the passing of my grandfather Frank (son of Alfred) we are looking for more family and I am eager to learn about this area as I have fond memories of Alfred (nicknamed Great Grandpa Pie). I would love to get to know more family as it was only us 3 great grandchildren for the longest time until 3 more cousins came but did not live close.
Walter has 7 surviving grandchildren and many great-grandchildren living on the lower mainland. Howard another brother has many surviving relatives in BC. Walter died at the age of 102 in 1986. A good portion of the family tree can be viewed on ancestry.ca @ ianholliday1952 [This information has been incorporated into the text.]