Beaverdam Pass

Alberta-BC boundary. Pass
Fraser River and Peace River drainages
Alta-BC boundary, E of Renshaw Creek
53.5667 N 119.8833 W — Map 083E12 — GoogleGeoHack
Earliest known reference to this name is 1914 (Mary Jobe)
Name officially adopted in 1925
Official in BCCanada

The pass was named by members of the expedition of Mary Lenore Jobe Akeley [1878–1966] and Donald “Curly” Phillips [1884–1938] to Mount Kitchi (Mount Sir Alexander) in 1914.

From Jones Pass we cut our way through dense woods down a steep declivity to broad open muskeg on the West Branch of the Jack Pine. After traveling about six miles through this meadow we came to a low pass, 5,300 feet, filled with beaver dams and houses. We named this pass Beaver Dam Pass. It separates Fraser and Peace waters.

“The name is due to evidence of beaver-dams and houses seen at the time of their exploration in 1914,” wrote boundary surveyor Arthur Oliver Wheeler [1860–1945]. “No signs of beavers were now seen around the small tarn close to the summit of the pass on the Alberta side of the watershed, or in the small stream flowing from it. They seem to have either been trapped out or to have left the locality.” Beaverdam Pass was a camera station on the survey, which worked through the Yellowhead Pass in 1917.


  • Jobe Akeley, Mary Lenore [1878–1966]. “Mt. Kitchi: A New Peak in the Canadian Rockies.” Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, Volume 47, No. 7 (1915):481-497. JSTOR
  • Cautley, Richard William [1873–1953], and Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [1860–1945]. Report of the Commission appointed to delimit the boundary between the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Part II. 1917 to 1921. From Kicking Horse Pass to Yellowhead Pass.. Ottawa: Office of the Surveyor General, 1924. Whyte Museum

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